What we do
The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) provides economic, financial, industrial relations and resource management advice to help the Victorian Government deliver its policies.
Our strategic vision and values
DTF exists to improve the lives and prosperity of Victorians. We do this by constantly growing our influence, wellbeing, leadership and expertise.
Our people
Find out about our Ministers, senior executives and organisational structure.
Governance and corporate documents
Find out about our corporate plan and annual report, as well as our FOI, protected disclosures policies and the Charter of Human Rights.
Agencies, affiliates and entities
The portfolio agencies we support perform roles such as dispute resolution, industry regulation, and service provision.
Legislation administered by Department of Treasury and Finance portfolios.
Our staff work at the heart of government, dealing with varied and challenging issues from climate change to competition policy.
Contact us
Contact details for the Department of Treasury and Finance.