Annual reports
The Annual Report provides an overview of the Department's performance and financial operations.
Charter of Human Rights
DTF is committed to upholding our responsibilities under the Charter.
Corporate Plan
Our 2024–28 Corporate Plan defines DTF’s role in delivering on the Government’s objectives, priorities and budget decisions.
Freedom of information
Request access to documents held by the Department of Treasury and Finance.
Gender Equality Action Plan
DTF’s Gender Equality Action Plan reflects DTF’s commitment to improving gender equity within our workplace and community to help us better serve and support the Government and Victorian community.
Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register
The DTF Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register and the DTF Gifts Benefits and Hospitality Policy are published in accordance with the requirements of the Victorian Public Sector Commission.
Procurement at DTF
Our procurement framework complies with the policies and directives of the Victorian Government Purchasing Board, established under the Financial Management Act 1994.
Public Interest Disclosures
The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (the Act) encourages and facilitates disclosing improper conduct.
Truth, Treaty and Self-determination
The Department of Treasury and Finance is dedicated to building sincere respect, partnerships, and opportunities with Victoria’s First Peoples.