Victoria’s Gender Responsive Budgeting legislation a national first
Victoria has become the first jurisdiction in Australia to legislate gender responsive budgeting requirements.
The amended Financial Management Act 1994 was passed by the Legislative Council on Thursday 30 May 2024 and came into effect on Wednesday 5 June 2024. The amended Financial Management Act:
- introduces a new principle of sound financial management that requires Government to consider the promotion of gender equality in pursuit of its spending and tax policies
- requires a statement of the impacts of the budget on gender equality to be made as part of the annual budget papers, something which has been done as a policy decision since the 2017-18 Budget
- gives the Treasurer the power to request a Gender Impact Assessment for any matter or matters concerning the Financial Management Act.
Two new documents, the Evaluation of Gender Responsive Budgeting and GRB Roles and Responsibilities provide valuable insights into this process.
The Evaluation of Gender Responsive Budgeting report reviews the impact of GRB initiatives on budgetary processes and highlights achievements and areas for improvement. It underscores the Government’s commitment to embedding gender considerations into policy and resource allocation.
The GRB Roles and Responsibilities document details the responsibilities of various governmental bodies in upholding GRB practices. This structured approach ensures that gender equality is considered across all stages of policy development and budgeting.
These reports collectively aim to advance gender equality through targeted policies, informed budgeting, and collaborative efforts within the Victorian Public Service.
Gender Equality Budget Statements
Each year since 2017-18, the Victorian Government publishes a Gender Equality Budget Statement as part of the State Budget.
The Statement includes a range of initiatives demonstrating the Victorian Government’s commitment to equality for all Victorians.
You can find previous Gender Equality Budget Statements on the DTF website.
Further information
For more information on gender equality in Victoria, visit the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector website.
The Commission website also includes various tools and resources for completing gender impact assessments.