Practitioners Toolkit - Standard form contracts - Clause bank

Additional clauses to use with Victorian Public Construction Contracts are available in a clause bank. Access to the clause bank is available to Victorian public service personnel involved in the preparation or negotiation of construction contracts.

Approved standard form contracts for construction

Contracting requirements (Direction and Instruction 7.1) requires contracts to be in a form approved by the Secretary to the Department of Treasury and Finance. Collectively, these contracts are referred to as the Victorian Public Construction Contracts.

Approved Victorian Public Construction Contracts are available at Practitioners Toolkit – Standard form contracts.

Clause bank provides additional clauses

This Clause Bank contains contract clauses that provide alternative or additional contracting positions to those that appear as default positions in the Victorian Public Construction Contracts as published on the Department of Treasury and Finance website.

The model clauses have been developed to address commercial situations that arise infrequently or respond to unusual project circumstances. The clauses have been approved by the Secretary to the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) for use with the applicable Victorian Public Construction Contract.

Each model clause either replaces an existing clause, amends an existing clause or is an additional clause depending on the specific matter being addressed. Use of these model clauses by Agencies is optional and does not require the approval of DTF.

The Clause Bank is not accessible from the Department of Treasury and Finance public website. Victorian public service personnel involved in the preparation or negotiation of construction contracts can obtain access to the Clause Bank by following the procedure: How to request access to the Clause Bank.

How to request access to the Clause Bank

Email to request access to the clause bank.

Use this heading line in your email: Request to access Victorian Public Construction Contracts clause bank.

Provide the following information with your request:

  • your name
  • your position or title
  • your role within your agency, for example are you a project manager, or a member of your Agency’s legal team?

Tools and support

Guidance to support consistent use of the Victorian Public Sector model AS 4300-1995 (December 2022) and Victorian Public Sector model AS 2124-1992 (December 2022) is presented in the Contracting Practice Notes.

Contracting Practice Notes
Word 129.11 KB
(opens in a new window)

Contracting requirements (Direction and Instruction 7.1) are supported by non-mandatory guidance Contracting requirements (Guidance 7.1).

The Practitioners Toolkit includes key documents, guidance and information relating to the Ministerial Directions and Instructions.

For further information about standard from Victorian Public Construction Contracts and the supporting clause bank, please contact the Construction Policy Team.
