We also provide support with planning and budgeting processes, as well as information on complying with DTF information requests.
Accounting policy updates
The Department of Treasury and Finance publishes accounting policy update newsletters every six months, and bulletins as required.
A starter guide to financial management in government
We help Victorian Government departments and public sector entities meet their accounting and financial reporting obligations.
Financial reporting policy
The Department of Treasury and Finance provides various guidance materials to assist Victorian public sector entities meeting their accounting and financial reporting obligations.
Indexation of fees and penalties
Victorian Government departments and agencies charge fees for services and regulatory purposes, including licensing and registering certain activities, and fines for improper conduct and to discourage unlawful behaviour.
Machinery of government changes - VPS operating manual
The manual provides a comprehensive source of guidance to assist departments in planning and implementing machinery of government (MoG) changes.
Planning, Budgeting and Financial Reporting Frameworks
The Resource Management Framework (RMF) is the framework that underpins budgeting and financial management in the State of Victoria.
Pricing for value
Information on the Pricing for Value Guide, Guidelines for Regulatory Fee Relief during Emergencies, and the Cost Recovery Guidelines.
Standing Directions 2018 Under The Financial Management Act 1994
The Standing Directions 2018 under the Financial Management Act 1994 (2018 Directions) set the standard for financial management by Victorian Government agencies.